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Best "General" players this month

300 p. duci G
272 p. mitkodelibaltov
270 p. Иван
245 p. mimiR

Best "Yahtzee" players this month

840 p. duci G
836 p. Иван
808 p. mimiR

mimiR won again! 3rd monthly win for 2021

mimiR won again! 3rd monthly win for 2021
mimiR won again! Third monthly victory for 2021.

mimiR fought with duci and managed to win with 285 points. In second place with only 1 point difference remained duci and a total of 284 points. The bronze medal will be awarded to zuzu with a result of 274 points.

Top 10 complement
4. mitkodelibaltov - 267p.
5. Antonia - 262p.
6. Ivan - 247p.
7. bo4ko - 235p.
8. Angel Plyakov - 215p.
9. PineapllBGR - 204p.
10. smgDEFE - 156p.

Thank you all for participating. I wish you good luck in September as well.


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